Terms & Conditions of Use

The information of this website is provided by Volkswagen Digital Solutions, Unipessoal Lda., with its registered offices at Rua do Sol ao Rato, 11, Lisboa, taxpayer number 515128171.

Volkswagen Digital Solutions makes the best efforts to provide up-to-date and complete contents. However, no warranty or guarantee of completeness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, or constant availability is given with respect to this website. Insofar as advice or recommendations are given on the website of Volkswagen Digital Solutions, Volkswagen Digital Solutions shall – without prejudice to any responsibility arising under the laws of contract, tort, or legal provisions of another nature – not be obligated to compensate for any harm or loss suffered by following the advice or recommendation.


Volkswagen Digital Solutions assumes no responsibility for the contents and the availability of third party websites that are accessible through external links. Volkswagen Digital Solutions expressly dissociates itself from any content potentially giving rise to liability, criminal or otherwise, or that is contrary to good morals.

Volkswagen Digital Solutions shall have no liability for the content of third party websites. Regarding all claims for damages or reimbursement for expenses that are based on the contents of its own websites and violations of duties for which it is legally responsible, Volkswagen Digital Solutions shall be liable for its ordinary negligence in breaching essential contractual duties, whereby such liability shall be limited to the damages that are both foreseeable and typical. All other liability is excluded for breaches of duty involving no more than ordinary negligence. The preceding liability disclaimer does not apply to cases involving liability without fault, to liability for injury to life, body, or health, or to liability under the Product Liability Law.

Intellectual Property

All rights of Volkswagen Digital Solutions and of third parties under intellectual property law, including without limitation the laws of copyright, names, and trademarks, shall be respected when using the website of Volkswagen Digital Solutions. The protection of such laws extends without limitation to the images, music, and trademarks. No grant of any license or other right of use shall be inferred from the accessibility of the website of Volkswagen Digital Solutions. 


All improper use of the website of Volkswagen Digital Solutions is prohibited.  Users shall in particular

  • not circumvent any safety or security measures,
  • not use any equipment or facilities or run any applications that may damage the equipment or facilities or disrupt their functioning, in particular by modifying the physical or logical structure of the servers or the network of Volkswagen Digital Solutions or by modifying other networks or their server structure,
  • not incorporate the website of Volkswagen Digital Solutions or any part thereof into other advertising, whether private or commercial, and not use them for any commercial purpose.


Volkswagen Digital Solutions reserves the right to make changes to these terms of use. Please refer to this page from time to time to review these terms of use and any new information

Dispute Resolution

Any claim or litigation arising from the use of this website shall be governed by the Portuguese Law and brought before the Courts of Lisbon.


For any queries please contact us at DigitalSolutions@volkswagen.pt.

Created: Lisbon, 24.07.2019